Registration and abstract submission


Abstracts will be published in the Book of abstracts in electronic format.

Submission of abstracts is required from all participants (oral and poster presentations).

Official languages of the event are Slovenian and English.

  • The abstracts should be written in a concise manner and the content should be presented clearly. The authors are solely responsible for grammatical and factual accuracy.
  • Language English or Slovenian
  • Maximum one A4 page (Word – 2.5 cm margins (left, right, top, bottom))
  • Font style Times New Roman
  • Font size 11
  • Single-spaced text
  • References: font size 10
  • We kindly encourage the authors to make use of the Abstract template in which the default text is replaced by the authors. This will produce the document in the required format.
  • Authors submit abstracts in PDF format
  • Title
  • Authors (presenting author should be highlighted accordingly)
  • Institutions (name and address)
  • E-mail of the presenting author
  • Abstract text
  • Keywords
  • References


Registered students with submitted abstracts will be eligible to enter a Student award contest. Awards will be presented to the winners by an expert Student award committee, which will evaluate the students’ contributions on the basis of poster or oral presentations and quality of abstracts.

The awardees will receive a Best presentation certificate along with a financial prize.